Joint Education, Recruiting & Placement Venture

Financial Advisor Training Institute and AdvisorMoves Partnership

A new partnership agreement between Terry Lindner ChFC, Chairman and CEO of Financial Advisor Training Institute and David Hensley, President of AdvisorMoves™ has been reached to recruit, train, and place new Financial Advisors for the Financial Services Industry.

This announcement comes as a recent Moss Adams study reveals that as of 2022 this industry will be short 220,000+ financial advisors. New advisors are urgently needed to address industry current shortages and projected losses as more individuals approach retirement and seek assistance while long-term, established advisors retire or leave the industry.

The Financial Advisor Training Institute’s newly created online curriculum will utilize both instructor-led and asynchronous delivery to train individuals to pursue a career in the financial services industry. Participants in the institute’s program will receive training, coaching for required licenses and ultimately, job placement services through AdvisorMoves’ coast to coast independent financial services representative recruiting and placement services.

For more information contact:

Terry Lindner, ChFC Chairman and CEO
Financial Advisor Training Institute
3707 West Maple Road, Suite 101
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48301

David Hensley, President
900 Hendersonville Rd., Suite 201A
Asheville, NC 28803